Habits of Highly Effective Content Creators [PODCAST EPISODE 11]
Sep 02, 2022If you are looking to take your content creation up a notch, read on! We're talking about the habits of highly effective content creators... what works and how you can apply the same techniques to your own work.
In the podcast episode linked below, we (Kim and Abby) cover all the bases, from developing habits that will help you stay on track, to creating content that engages your audience. We're dropping some great tips for consistently creating great content that engages your audience while staying staying motivated and inspired!
Of course, we're giving a nod to Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in this episode. And, we were surprised at how many of the Seven Habits of highly effective people are also the same habits of highly effective content creators!
Habits of Highly Effective Content Creators
Know Their Audience:
Stephen Covey said "Seek first to understand then to be understood." That seems like a great way to frame: know your audience! Go beyond the basics like age and income, and really get to know your audience. What do they like? What are they into? What do they care about? Strive to make content that makes them feel seen!
Have a Plan:
Stephen Covey said "Begin with the end in mind." In content marketing terms that one means: have a plan! Know where you're going when creating content. What is the purpose? How does it tie back to your goals? Create each piece of content knowing how it fits into your plan.
(If this one trips you up, you'd probably benefit from our Build Your Content Plan in a Weekend course. We help you identify your content pillars, brainstorm content ideas, and get it all in a calendar. Stop wasting so much time scrolling, thinking you're searching for ideas, but instead getting trapped in the time suck that is endlessly scrolling social media!)
Think about how you can work with other content creators and other marketers. Two of Stephen Covey's habits fall in this section: Think Win-Win and Synergize.
Develop relationships with your audience and other creators: this network will pay off for your business. That doesn't mean to jump into business relationships looking for what you will get out of the situation. In fact, it means the exact opposite. Look for creators and marketers who you can work with AND both gain something throughout the process.
Are Curious and Life-long Learners
When you embrace your curiosity and want to learn new things, you will be successful at whatever it is you try. Covey calls this Sharpening the Saw. By his definition, sharpening the saw is even bigger, encompassing caring for and nurturing the mind, body, and spirit in a way that encourages growth. Continue to learn and develop skills: learn about marketing, learn about your clients’ businesses, stay up on trends in the industry. And HAVE FUN! We talk about this one in more depth on the podcast!
Some Additional Habits of Highly Effective Content Creators:
They embrace what makes them unique.
Don't be afraid to share your perspective. Let the world see your quirks and insecurities. THIS is what will make you relatable.
They are consistent.
Use time management skills, batching, routines, project management tools and your content plan so you know your plan, and you know the steps it will take to get things done.
They know the best practices of each platform.
Understand the details you need to handle to make sure you are effective on each platform. What's the best type of content for the platform? How do their guidelines differ from the other platforms? What's the thumbnail supposed to be like? Do you use hashtags? Things like this.
They enlist help as necessary.
Don't try to do it all alone. Do what you can with the resources you have available, and don't push beyond that. If you can hire help, get help. And if there are tasks you despise, hand those over to someone else!
They are not afraid to fail their way to success.
Take chances. Learn from your mishaps. Try again. And remember that most creators did to have overnight success. Be patient!
They use their analytics.
Use your analytics to help you determine things like the types of content that resonates most, times of day to schedule, who is looking at your products but not buying, and more.
Aren't in such a hurry to be the fastest to share the scoop that they share inaccuracies.
We've all seen this in the news cycle: a news source wants to be the first with the scoop, so they rush to get the story out. In the process, it's full of inaccurate information. And that misinformation is shared all over social media, working people into a frenzy. Instead, take time to breathe and get the details before you create your content that ties into the latest news and trends.
To hear our commentary and get all the scoop, listen to the full episode. And while you're there, remember to subscribe, rate, and review!
If you'd like to go in depth with us on content strategy, we'd love to help! We can work one-on-one OR join our coaching membership and learn how to create an integrated strategy that works for your vision and goals.
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