National Walking Day Image of feet walking

National Walking Day - Curated Playlist

walking Apr 07, 2021

The American Heart Association has declared the first Wednesday in April "National Walking Day," making April 7, 2021 this year's big day. And, while anytime is a good time to walk, if you need an excuse to get started, National Walking Day is the perfect day to get moving.

It's especially important for anyone who spends their work day glued to a screen to take time out to walk, stretch, and destress. We've put together this Spotify playlist to pump you up. The songs spread across multiple decades, with a nod to our musical theater roots at Iris Digital Media Group.


Think you don't have time to walk? Here are a few ideas. You don't have to spend a lot of time to start seeing the benefits!

  • Walk your dog first thing in the morning. If this is a regular part of your routine already, add a block or two each day or week (or start 5 minutes earlier each day) until you are getting in 30-60 minutes of walking each day.
  • Chunk it up. Your walk doesn't need to take place all at once. Get in five minutes first thing in the morning, take a conference call while walking, walk the stairs in your home or building once an hour (even one lap adds up!), walk in the park with a friend over lunch.
  • Set an alarm on your phone to go off 3-5 times throughout the day. When the alarm goes off, stop what you're doing and walk for even a few minutes. It will clear your mind, boost your mood, reset your energy levels, and you'll be even more productive as a result.  

Walking is also a great time to catch up with a friend, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, or clear your mind. But if you want something to listen to, you could download an audio book or listen to a podcast. Kim's podcast, Power Up Your Performance, covers a variety of fitness and mindset topics to help listeners use movement as a catalyst for change in their lives. (Take a look at some of the past episodes here or listen anywhere you listen to podcasts)

We'd love to hear about your walking adventures! Tag us on social media and tell us about your walk!



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